Building Family Holiday Traditions
There are all kinds of traditions that are celebrated around the holidays. Some are religious, some are cultural and the origin of some may have been lost to history. Many people feel deep attachment to those traditions and are careful to pass those on to there children, while others may not really understand the meaning…
10 Best Affordable Date Nights
Are you feeling stressed out by the rising cost of…everything, but don’t want to give on the romance in your relationship? Looking for some inspiration for affordable date night options? Look no further than our Manning Up 10 Best Affordable Date Night Ideas! We have searched far and wide for inspiration for date nights that…
New Year, New Man
It’s that time of the year when many people begin making New Year’s resolutions and considering ways to improve themselves in the coming year. Many of these goals will be somehow related to your physical body (stop smoking, eat healthier, exercise more) or changing external circumstances (get out of debt, buy a new car, learn…
The Danger of Distraction
The world is full of distractions, so many things that pull our attention away from what is truly important. Many of these distractions aren’t bad on their own but are keeping us from our more important goals. The more we advance technologically it seems the more options there are for distraction. Computers, televisions and especially…
Men in the Media
So much of how we view men is influenced by how men are portrayed in television and movies. The problem with this is that these men aren’t real and despite how hard the creative minds in Hollywood may try, these men can’t truly depict the complexity and nuance of a real person, and likely say…
The End of Toxic Masculinity (and other anti-male buzz phrases)
In general I try to avoid worrying about what other people are saying and instead focus on what I can do to change things, but it’s hard to get past the negative impact much of the rhetoric coming from the media and even through the education system is going to have, especially on young men…
10 Tips to Be an Amazing Dad
Happy Father’s Day! Being a dad is one of the most underrated and under appreciated roles around and there are few times that is more apparent than on Father’s Day, especially when compared to Mother’s Day. I am not saying there is anything wrong with how we are celebrating mothers who are also amazing and…

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