Mission Statement
Our mission is to equip and support men in manning up and becoming the best men possible through any means necessary
Vision Statement
Our vision is to see a worldwide revolution of men stepping up to answer the call of true manhood and to then cause a massive change in the societal expectations of what a man should be
We value confident manhood instead of arrogant bravado or weak timidity. A man who is confident in who he is feels no need to show off or try and demonstrate superiority while also knowing he has an important role to play that can’t be abandoned due to fear.
We value honesty instead of false pride. A man needs to be willing to be honest, even with his failures and mistakes, knowing that this is the only way to grow, and that being open and honest can help other men avoid the same mistakes.
We value community instead of stubborn independence. Men need each other for support, advice and accountability. Men are far stronger when we work together and there is no shame in acknowledging we need the support of others.
We value mentorship instead of figuring it out alone. All men have different strengths and weaknesses and we have a responsibility to help our fellow men in areas where we are strong while also accepting the support and advice of other men in areas where we need it.
We value living intentionally instead of letting life happen. Allowing life to happen to you instead of taking action to become the man you want to be is a recipe for failure. Know what you are aiming for and set actionable steps to achieve that.
We value continuous improvement instead of settling for good enough. This is the crux of all that “manning up” is about. This is not to say you have a constant feeling of not being enough, but that you can recognize your value while also knowing you’re capable of growth and improvement and stepping up to that challenge.