Embrace the Challenge
Men are designed to tackle challenges, something that pushes us to each beyond what we think our limitations are to reach new heights. There are few things better for society than a man who has found a worthy challenge to tackle, and few things worse for society than a man who lacks that challenge.  A…
The End of Toxic Masculinity (and other anti-male buzz phrases)
In general I try to avoid worrying about what other people are saying and instead focus on what I can do to change things, but it’s hard to get past the negative impact much of the rhetoric coming from the media and even through the education system is going to have, especially on young men…
10 Tips to Be an Amazing Dad
Happy Father’s Day! Being a dad is one of the most underrated and under appreciated roles around and there are few times that is more apparent than on Father’s Day, especially when compared to Mother’s Day. I am not saying there is anything wrong with how we are celebrating mothers who are also amazing and…
What is Manning Up?
That’s a good question. To begin, I’ll explain what Manning Up the organization is. Our primary goal is to support, encourage and equip men in becoming the best men they can be. This is done by training and finding ways to support men in manning up, which brings us to our next explanation. How often…